Message from the Board of Directors
![[ABM] K'Apisit](
Mr. Apisit Rujikeatkamjorn
![[ABM] K'Fern](
Ms. Tiyada Mekpongsatorn
Dear Stakeholders
The year 2022 is another year of recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, with a trend toward returning to normalcy. For the business of Asia Biomass Public Company Limited or “ABM” which is in the environmental conservation movement, this will become an additional condition for the international trade structure. In recent years, powerful countries have pursued strong environmental policies, which may impact the international trade structure and require changes. For example, the United States and Europe have enacted laws to control imports that focus on low-carbon footprint products. China has implemented measures to control greenhouse gas emissions in the industrial sector and encourages the reduction of energy consumption from fossil fuels, and the use of clean or renewable energy sources. The use of biomass energy is also increasing, as it releases biogenic CO2 and promotes carbon cycling through plant absorption during photosynthesis. Therefore, Thailand should prepare for changes in its export structure that take into account environmental factors.
In terms of good corporate governance, ABM has an Executive Committee who are experts in various fields to consider, control, oversee, and be responsible for various aspects of the business within the scope assigned by the Board of Directors, including the establishment of Audit Committee, Risk Management Committee, and Corporate Governance Committee to enhance the efficiency of the Company’s management in accordance with the principles of good corporate governance as prescribed by the Stock Exchange of Thailand. The Company is committed to conducting its business sustainably and responsibly, while taking into account the social and environmental responsibilities, under the principles of corporate governance and professional management. The Company is ready to adapt to rapid changes in the business environment.
The key to overcoming this crisis is to expand the business by distributing new products and expanding distribution channels for biomass products, both within and outside the energy industry, to find opportunities for the Company’s growth. This involves building on existing infrastructure, experience, and knowledge within the organization and implementing solutions quickly to adapt to the situation. This also includes efficient logistics management and the adoption of information technology to control budgets and expenses, reduce redundancy in operations, and increase efficiency in customer service to improve the Company’s performance, even during times of crisis. Developing the organization also involves strengthening human resources by increasing their capabilities, recruiting new personnel with specific expertise to join the team, and efficiently planning risk management. Additionally, the Company remains committed to taking care of the surrounding community by conducting operations that consider its responsibility to society and the environment continuously. Emphasis is placed on projects that create value for both the Company and the community, such as promoting career creation, such as planting kratom trees in communities in the southern region to export products for the production of antibiotics in foreign countries.
Another important aspect is expanding the business based on being a Supply Chain Facilitator, by investing in infrastructure and developing production and service processes to have potential and efficiency on the basis of social responsibility to support business growth with partners throughout the supply chain. There has been an expansion of the business in the wood chip factory and biomass pellet production factory, connecting and expanding the Integrated Management System with partners to enhance product and service responsiveness to customer needs.
There has been an implementation of sustainable forest management standards, The key principles of forest management include caring for the people in the area where trees are planted and working responsibly, managing the forest area with a management plan, and monitoring and addressing issues. In addition to caring for people, the natural environment, such as animals and surrounding areas, must also be taken care of, ensuring that new trees will always be available in the future, and forest areas will continue to exist. This management system has been promoted by the Company to encourage farmers to use it, thus improving Thai agriculture and products to compete in the international market.
The Company has achieved ISO 9001:2015 quality certification, ISO 14001:2015 environmental certification, and workplace safety and environmental certification. The business expansion strategy includes adding a group of high-value biomaterial products to meet customer needs and expand the customer base.
Finally, on behalf of the Board of Directors of Asia Biomass Public Company Limited, the Company would like to express its sincere gratitude to our shareholders, investors, business partners, financial institutions, government agencies, and private sectors, as well as all its customers who have continuously trusted and supported the Company. Most importantly, the Company would like to thank its executives and employees for their dedication, hard work, honesty, diligence, and perseverance, which have been the driving force behind the development and progress of the Company and have resulted in sustainable returns for our shareholders and stakeholders.